Saturday, July 21, 2012

Gregory Branson-Trent is making money stealing from other authors

This guy has been selling copy-and-paste theft of intellectual property for years.  He just published a book that plariarizes my first book (Incense: Crafting & Use of Magickal Scents; Llewellyn Publications, 2003) along wiht several Scott Cunningham books.  He has over 40 books in print and they are all made up entirely of plagiarized material from legitimate authors.  He is a blight on several communities.

Here is a nice video about this guy on YouTube:

1 comment:

  1. Hi there. Thanks for leaving the Bogus Barrister blog a comment to let us know Gregory Branson Trent is still stealing. We just posted about this incident and linked to your youtube video. Some of his books are published thru PublishAmerica although he tries to hide the fact.
