Sunday, July 22, 2012

Effort against Branson-Trent Incense book on Amazon

My publisher, Llewellyn, is working to get this book pulled, but I have started my own grassroots effort to dovetail with theirs.

Here is the link to some example materials of the theft in the book I mentioned:

If you agree that this book is plagiarized, I would ask that you post a 1 star review of the book on Amazon.  If you feel more energetic, you should email them about this as well.

His book is listed at:
Once Amazon has dealt with this, I will move on to other sellers.


  1. Problem is, Amazon forces people to purchase something from them before they will let anybody write a review. You really should send a C and D to his publisher(s). They will pull this from all distributors and will likely go after Branson-Trent. This is an embarassment to his publishers also because their staff should know better.

  2. He self-publishes and that's the heart of the problem. I can get his book pulled from Amazon and other legitimate sites, but I can't force the death of the book without going to court. A hard thing to do when the target of the lawsuit hides as well as Mr. Branson-Trent. In the end, justice will be served.
